EYE and McDermott at the EU Green Week 2021

By Gregory Barrere – EYE Vice President (Public Policy)
On May 20th, 2021, EYE and its sponsor McDermott participated in an EU Green Week Partner Event about “Net Zero Energy Infrastructure”, attended by more than 50 participants.
After an introduction of EYE by Nadja Yang (President of EYE), Elizabeth Carlson, Global Head of Sustainability at McDermott, highlighted the challenges and opportunities in decarbonising energy infrastructure and delivering net-zero energy solutions from an engineering and construction perspective.
Traditionally scope three energy emissions, or value chain, focus on the end-use of fuels. In this webinar, the speakers looked at both the embedded carbon in energy infrastructure and the carbon footprint of operating these energy facilities. It is apparent that many different topics must be considered to accelerate the energy transition.
Building upon the narrative, Elizabeth Carlson focused on energy transition strategies, carbon footprints, human rights, and social responsibility that gave an insight to the audience.
Some challenging questions and issues were discussed during the Q&A facilitated by Gregory Barrere, EYE Vice President of Public Policy, this includes:
- “How to manage the energy transition whilst taking into account that mineral resources for solar panels and Wind Energy are also limited?”
- “Do you think that the extraction of fossil-based oil and gas from the ground will not be present in the future? If so, when will that be?”
- “What does McDermott think about carbon capture/ sequestration initiatives in the process of developing ways to reduce carbon footprint?”
- “Could you tell us more about how Circular Economy principles are applied in the energy sector, and particularly McDermott? Perhaps some concrete examples?”
- “How do you manage different international standards for measuring carbon footprint? Are competitors having similar approaches?”
- “How can young engineers contribute to a net-zero future and what should they do for that purpose?”
Thanks you to Elizabeth Carlson from McDermott, the EU Green Week, the university of HSLU in Switzerland, all the EYE volunteers involved in the organisation and, of course, all the attendees for their participation and great questions.