
We are launching a new online series “horEYEzon” to broaden the horizon of young engineers, through young engineers! We will discuss current affairs with influencers of the society to expand our perspectives and share our views with them. This serves to fulfill EYE’s mission: (i) to make Europe’s young engineers’ voices heard and (ii) to get into dialogue with important stakeholders of the society. Through this project, we would like to connect those who have little chance to exchange ideas on a digital platform. We hope that through our online series, young engineers will be more aware of the opportunities out there through the viewpoints of leaders in the industry, academics, politicians and more prominent figures, inspiring them to shape the development of our society.
Our first speaker was the Chairman and former (first and only European!) CEO of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) – Dr Hans-Paul Bürkner. Thematically, “Future of Work” will be primarily discussed and there was time for general questions. For more information, please visit the dedicated page.

Water Reuse in a Circular Economy
Water is one of Earth’s most valued resources, and the impacts of climate change have made it scarce. For this reason, our working group envisions to shed light on creative solutions available that will promote sustainable use of water resources in European industries. We seek to reinforce the awareness of young professionals and decision-makers on the effects of anthropogenic factors on water resources, and highlight the need to focus on providing opportunities and support to several industries around Europe.
As young engineers we shall lay our focus on:
– Industries that have the most potential to make sustainable use of water sources, particularly in reaching circular economy targets.
– Suggesting engineering technologies available on the market, or being researched, for the treatment of water and the investment in such technologies.
– Political advances being made with respect to the field.
– Education and awareness on the protection of water sources, and potential for water reuse.

Engineering Education
This working group aims to support engineering education and strengthen the engineering community across Europe by building bridges between students, academia and young professionals.
The present actions of the working group are the following:
- Conduct an overview of engineering education in Europe, mapping engineering education systems across Europe and the equivalences which may exist between them.
- Collaborate with third parties like university alliances and European organisations.
- Discuss topics like lifelong learning, gender equality in engineering, raising awareness of engineering students on the stakes of ecological transition and sustainable development.
Contact the group:

Future of Work
Events like the COVID-19 pandemic showed us that traditional work models have drawbacks. The topic New Work was accelerated by this new situation and has gained a new momentum for all stakeholders. As the voice of young engineers, this working group aims to identify the needs of young engineers and shape their future working environment. Furthermore, it will create policy papers and recommendations for companies based on surveys with 350,000 young engineers in Europe to influence the political and societal debate about the Future of Work.

Network of European Engineers in Politics
Active engineers in the industry are increasingly involved in compliance with the laws and regulations as our society becomes more technologically sophisticated. A growing number of engineers are also becoming involved in the process of developing new public policies in democratic institutions, such as the national and European Parliament.
As EYE stands for the voice of young engineers, the aim of the Public Policy team is to build bridges between policy makers, social and industrial institutions. In this regard, our working group, Network of European Engineers in Politics, fosters active participation of young engineers in the policy making process. e.g. by creating a platform to connect engineers within the EU Parliament and enabling a discussion space with further young engineers. Furthermore, we take part in current discussions of law proposals on topics of interest for our stakeholders, such as facilitating European engineers’ mobility. Get in touch with us for more information and join us to take engineering a step further!

Energy and Environment
Among the most important topics of the moment, the questions related to Energy, Environment and Climate Action have been defined as top priority by European Young Engineers in 2019. As part of EYE Public Policy department, E&E aims to make their voice heard on these topics by focusing on key initiatives led by the European Commission through DG CLIMA, DG ENER and DG ENV. The group also strives to join forces with existing youth organisations networks in order to strengthen EYE’s position and have more impact on European policy-making. Our common goal is to support the goal of making Europe climate-neutral by 2050 and shape a sustainable future that will be affected by climate change.