EYE Publish First European Position Paper

Home 9 News 9 EYE Publish First European Position Paper

 Read the paper in the following link:


As European Young Engineers, we are delighted to share with you our first official Annual and SB60 conference policy statement! This is a foundational, comprehensive document upon which we plan to further build EYE’s policy activity into future years following our first engagement with the UNFCCC process at COP28 last December. This includes information about EYE activities, EYE topical positioning as well as EYE positioning in reference to the current UNFCCC SB60 Bonn agenda points

This document is a landmark piece which we intend to use to truly realise the activation of our policy team moving forward. Inside you will find chapters on:

– EYE Annual Activities
– EYE Topical Positioning Statement
– EYE SB60 Conference Positioning Statement
– Recommendations to EU Commission and EU Member States

Our core calls for this process cover meaningful youth engagement, science-based policy development, and clarified competency building mechanisms.

You can also find a shortened version of the report accessible at our SB60-specific linktree below:



    Water Reuse paper




    This document was led primarily by:

    – Vice President Finance Saikat Das

    – Project Manager Steve Prokovas

    – Vice President Policy Cian Farrell

    – Policy advisors Shraddha Nair and Giulia Marzetti

    – D&I advisor Elena Naumovska

    – President Paul Jenkinson

    – the rest of the EYE Policy team