Global Energy Net Zero: Panel Discussion on the IEA Report

In collaboration with the Oxford Energy Society, European Young Engineers hosted an event discussing the recently released International Energy Agency’s Net-Zero Report. The event featured panellists with expertise in technology, energy, economics, and policy from the hallowed halls of Oxford University and unpacked what the report means for different parts of the world, as well as assessing the feasibility of the IEA Net-Zero scenarios.The discussion was vibrant and insightful, with attendees getting an insight in to the most advanced climate change research currently ongoing and gaining an understanding of the severity of climate change.The event was co-hosted by the Oxford Energy Society – Oxford University’s student-run society dedicated to providing a platform for stimulating discussion and understanding of energy technology & finance, the energy crisis, and climate change ( and the European Young Engineers Energy & Policy Working Group – aiming to make the voice of young engineers heard on questions related to energy, the environment and climate action, promoting policies that are consistent with our vision of a sustainable future in Europe.