IDA Conference Series with EYE

Investing in a female future
How do we increase the number of female entrepreneurs? Tune in and get important insights from Anne Stampe Olesen, Co-founder of Nordic Female Founders.
We often hear about the importance and benefits of having more female entrepreneurs. In this event we will hear from Anne not only why it’s important, but also how she is trying to make a difference. As one of the founders of a female focused investment fond Anne Stampe Olesen doesn’t only spend most of her time, but also has her money on the line when it comes to women in startups.
This is event was sucessfully held on the 21. April 2021
Beer and Spectroscopy
Learn how cutting-edge engineering helps create even more interesting brews and enables brewers to exploit better knowledge and control than before.
FOSS recently launched the BeerFoss- a new and innovative solution for rapid analysis of beer, that will become a strong support for craft breweries to ensure their product quality and optimize their production. More information about FOSS
In this webinar we will tell how this innovation was born, by combining expert knowledge about brewing, strong skills in optical spectroscopy and a mindset for covering customers needs in new ways.
As most engineers know, more information fosters the ability to create things that were not previously possible. So join us and hear how cutting edge engineering helps create even more interesting brews, and enable brewers to exploit better knowledge and control than before.