Structure of EYE

Home 9 Structure of EYE

The Governance

EYE comprises of member associations establishes in Europe.

The main bodies of EYE are the council, the management team, the management board and our member associations.


eye governance illustration

The Council

The EYE Council is composed of two representatives from each member association. They decide on the focus of the Management Team in conferences to expand and strengthen the EYE network. The recent focus has been to formalise the structure of the organisation to raise vital funds for EYE’s work. The EYE Council meets twice a year (usually coinciding with the conferences) hosted by one of the member associations in a European city.
The EYE Council also has the responsibility to vote new member associations into EYE, to elect a President and the seven Vice Presidents of each department. Membership of the EYE Council is dependent on the rules of the individual member associations and Council Members are commonly elected amongst the active board of the young member associations.

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eye team illustration

The Management Team

The EYE Management Team is held accountable by the EYE council for realising the vision, mission, and strategy of EYE. The Management Team consists of an elected Management Board, comprising of a President and seven Vice Presidents, each heading one of the departments, and the Management Team Members, also known as the Task Force Members.

The Task Force Members form working groups within and across the departments to help and work with the Vice Presidents to complete tasks in their respective departments. They are the main organisation that work on the topics and ideas that the EYE Council decides to share with the public.

The Management Board

The Management Board is elected for a 12-month term of office, with the exception of the President who is elected for 24 months. Each Vice President leads a department and their respective Task Force Members.
The Vice Presidents lead the daily work and tasks of the Task Force Members and are the first contact person for their department. The Management Board meets up on a regular basis to give the President and the Management Team an overview of the current progress and departmental updates. The Management Board reports to the EYE Council at the Council Meeting twice a year.

The President is the main representative of the Management Team to the EYE Council.

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eye good team


EYE has seven departments. In each of the departments, there are multiple working groups that work towards defined tasks. Many volunteers work inter-departments to maintain the flow of information and strong connection between departments. By supporting each other every step of the way, each department works towards fulfilling the vision and mission of EYE. Every volunteer is a part of at least one department and invests their own leisure for bigger goals of the organisation.

Working Groups

EYE establishes working groups to achieve the goals of the departments through concrete projects. Each working group is focused on a project with specific deliverables. Volunteers are welcomed to introduce new ideas and develop new working groups to fulfil their interests along with EYE’s ambitions.

eye community