European Young Engineers

The voice of young engineers in Europe

European Young Engineers (EYE) is an international non-profit organisation (est. 1994) comprising more than 20 European countries.

Our engineering institute member associations cumulatively represent about 500,000 young engineers from multiple disciplines.

Join the next conference in Luxembourg!

10 – 13 October 2024

View our first EYE Annual Policy Statement

eye annual statement


European Young Engineers aim to be the voice of young engineers in Europe.



Form a political opinion of engineers across Europe (form a voice)


Be a stakeholder for governmental bodies (make voice heard)


Collaborate with the industry, politicians and academic associations (get into dialogue)



Networking, building mutual understanding, and providing skills


Foster collaboration between engineers in Europe and beyond


Be the leading platform for young engineers in Europe

eye rocket launch


EYE@herCAREER in Munich

EYE@herCAREER in Munich

This year, European Young Engineers (EYE) is an official partner of herCAREER – the leading exhibition for women’s career planning. The focus of the fair in 2021 is engineering.

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Global Energy Net Zero: Panel Discussion on the IEA Report

Global Energy Net Zero: Panel Discussion on the IEA Report

In collaboration with the Oxford Energy Society, European Young Engineers hosted an event discussing the recently released International Energy Agency’s Net-Zero Report. The event featured panellists with expertise in technology, energy, economics, and policy from the hallowed halls of Oxford University and unpacked what the report means for different parts of the world, as well as assessing the feasibility of the IEA Net-Zero scenarios.The discussion was vibrant and insightful, with attendees getting an insight in to the most advanced climate change research currently ongoing and gaining an understanding of the severity of climate change.

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Together we shape the future of Europe

eye shaping future

EYE conferences


Twice a Year


Interdisciplinary Speakers


Networking Events


Gala Dinner


Industry Visits


Be part of EYE!

Attend our events!

Do you want to get to know the international family of Europe’s young engineers? Then attend our conferences, webinars, workshop, and more!

Volunteer with us!

Do you want to work on international projects and foster the voice of young engineers in Europe? Then be part of our team and generate impact!